The World: Population - Female - Age 5-9 (2014) - Top 100+

Rank Country Population Year
171. Mayotte 17,451 2014
155. Mauritius 45,359 2014
106. Mauritania 230,099 2014
193. Marshall Islands 4,341 2014
184. Malta 10,073 2014
55. Mali 1,147,897 2014
177. Maldives 13,068 2014
41. Malaysia 1,410,054 2014
49. Malawi 1,254,287 2014
34. Madagascar 1,676,562 2014
151. Macedonia 58,422 2014
175. Macau 13,677 2014
174. Luxembourg 14,928 2014
149. Lithuania 75,687 2014
216. Liechtenstein 893 2014
90. Libya 372,730 2014
96. Liberia 294,399 2014
142. Lesotho 103,894 2014
123. Lebanon 143,970 2014
153. Latvia 50,555 2014
88. Laos 380,828 2014
98. Kyrgyzstan 279,973 2014
135. Kuwait 114,611 2014
148. Kosovo 78,186 2014
190. Kiribati 5,332 2014
17. Kenya 3,340,110 2014
70. Kazakhstan 759,847 2014
91. Jordan 366,677 2014
22. Japan 2,716,692 2014
127. Jamaica 135,094 2014
42. Italy 1,400,595 2014
94. Israel 348,083 2014
202. Isle of Man 2,248 2014
115. Ireland 170,415 2014
28. Iraq 1,980,541 2014
20. Iran 3,080,450 2014
4. Indonesia 10,881,205 2014
1. India 54,757,508 2014
183. Iceland 10,131 2014
105. Hungary 241,886 2014
130. Hong Kong 128,371 2014
81. Honduras 487,848 2014
77. Haiti 565,302 2014
163. Guyana 35,153 2014
139. Guinea-Bissau 111,605 2014
69. Guinea 786,703 2014
212. Guernsey 1,549 2014
63. Guatemala 865,229 2014
186. Guam 7,765 2014
192. Grenada 4,409 2014
204. Greenland 2,034 2014
104. Greece 249,190 2014
214. Gibraltar 969 2014
37. Ghana 1,527,866 2014
35. Germany 1,666,438 2014
140. Georgia 108,945 2014
129. Gaza Strip 130,459 2014
132. Gabon 116,509 2014
180. French Polynesia 10,695 2014
27. France 2,003,687 2014
126. Finland 135,120 2014
159. Fiji 43,332 2014
189. Federated States of Micronesia 5,481 2014
210. Faroe Islands 1,618 2014
9. Ethiopia 7,675,197 2014
166. Estonia 32,209 2014
85. Eritrea 434,051 2014
154. Equatorial Guinea 48,195 2014
101. El Salvador 276,558 2014
13. Egypt 4,610,036 2014
72. Ecuador 729,385 2014
150. East Timor 66,824 2014
82. Dominican Republic 464,944 2014
200. Dominica 2,619 2014
156. Djibouti 43,921 2014
119. Denmark 152,481 2014
11. Democratic Republic of the Congo 5,502,629 2014
108. Czech Republic 223,515 2014
167. Cyprus 29,053 2014
102. Cuba 275,372 2014
141. Croatia 105,159 2014
39. Cote d'Ivoire 1,448,725 2014
114. Costa Rica 177,215 2014
224. Cook Islands 349 2014
152. Comoros 55,666 2014
29. Colombia 1,900,316 2014
2. China 34,568,820 2014
75. Chile 593,642 2014
201. Channel Islands 2,441 2014
67. Chad 822,566 2014
93. Central African Republic 351,156 2014
209. Cayman Islands 1,658 2014
168. Cape Verde 27,035 2014
61. Canada 870,214 2014
43. Cameroon 1,373,553 2014
68. Cambodia 813,761 2014
66. Burundi 838,365 2014
44. Burkina Faso 1,360,320 2014
118. Bulgaria 162,302 2014
173. Brunei 15,918 2014