The World - Top 100+ Countries by Area

Rank Country Area (sq mi) Area (sq km)
234. Montserrat 39 102
163. Montenegro 5,415 14,026
20. Mongolia 604,250 1,565,000
251. Monaco 1 2
142. Moldova 13,067 33,843
14. Mexico 761,606 1,972,550
213. Mayotte 144 374
186. Mauritius 788 2,040
30. Mauritania 397,955 1,030,700
189. Martinique 425 1,100
228. Marshall Islands 70 181
217. Malta 122 316
25. Mali 478,767 1,240,000
218. Maldives 116 300
67. Malaysia 127,317 329,750
102. Malawi 45,745 118,480
48. Madagascar 226,657 587,040
152. Macedonia 9,781 25,333
223. Macao 98 254
183. Luxembourg 998 2,586
126. Lithuania 25,174 65,200
229. Liechtenstein 62 160
18. Libya 679,362 1,759,540
105. Liberia 43,000 111,370
144. Lesotho 11,720 30,355
172. Lebanon 4,015 10,400
127. Latvia 24,938 64,589
83. Laos 91,429 236,800
88. Kyrgyzstan 76,641 198,500
160. Kuwait 6,880 17,820
171. Kosovo 4,212 10,908
193. Kiribati 313 811
49. Kenya 224,962 582,650
10. Kazakhstan 1,049,155 2,717,300
114. Jordan 35,637 92,300
232. Jersey 45 116
63. Japan 145,883 377,835
170. Jamaica 4,244 10,991
70. Ivory Coast 124,503 322,460
72. Italy 116,306 301,230
156. Israel 8,019 20,770
200. Isle of Man 221 572
123. Ireland 27,135 70,280
60. Iraq 168,754 437,072
19. Iran 636,296 1,648,000
16. Indonesia 741,100 1,919,440
8. India 1,269,346 3,287,590
109. Iceland 39,769 103,000
112. Hungary 35,919 93,030
190. Hong Kong 422 1,092
104. Honduras 43,278 112,090
252. Holy See 0 0
210. Heard Island and McDonald Islands 159 412
150. Haiti 10,714 27,750
85. Guyana 83,000 214,970
140. Guinea-Bissau 13,946 36,120
79. Guinea 94,926 245,857
235. Guernsey 30 78
108. Guatemala 42,043 108,890
201. Guam 212 549
187. Guadeloupe 687 1,780
215. Grenada 133 344
13. Greenland 836,330 2,166,086
98. Greece 50,942 131,940
250. Gibraltar 3 7
81. Ghana 92,456 239,460
64. Germany 137,847 357,021
124. Georgia 26,911 69,700
169. Gambia 4,363 11,300
77. Gabon 103,347 267,667
175. French Southern Territories 3,023 7,829
179. French Polynesia 1,609 4,167
115. French Guiana 35,135 91,000
50. France 211,209 547,030
66. Finland 130,128 337,030
159. Fiji 7,054 18,270
196. Federated States of Micronesia 271 702
188. Faroe Islands 540 1,399
167. Falkland Islands 4,700 12,173
28. Ethiopia 435,186 1,127,127
161. Eswatini 6,704 17,363
136. Estonia 17,462 45,226
100. Eritrea 46,842 121,320
148. Equatorial Guinea 10,831 28,051
155. El Salvador 8,124 21,040
31. Egypt 386,662 1,001,450
74. Ecuador 109,483 283,560
162. East Timor 5,794 15,007
134. Dominican Republic 18,815 48,730
194. Dominica 291 754
153. Djibouti 8,880 23,000
137. Denmark 16,639 43,094
12. Democratic Republic of the Congo 905,568 2,345,410
120. Czech Republic 30,450 78,866
173. Cyprus 3,571 9,250
206. Cura 171 444
107. Cuba 42,803 110,860
130. Croatia 21,831 56,542
132. Costa Rica 19,730 51,100
225. Cook Islands 93 240