Lebanon - Top 100+ Cities by Population

Population data by city is the population of the city itself, not the metro area. Data is as of 2011 estimates.

Rank CityCountryPopulation
15. Ain Ebel Lebanon 2,000
10. Baalbek Lebanon 30,916
13. Batroûn Lebanon 10,852
12. Bcharré Lebanon 20,000
1. Beirut Lebanon 1,916,100
16. Bhamdoun Lebanon 1,500
14. Bhamdoûn el Mhatta Lebanon 5,000
8. Djounie Lebanon 96,315
7. Habboûch Lebanon 98,433
11. Jbaïl Lebanon 20,784
6. Nabatîyé et Tahta Lebanon 120,000
2. Ra’s Bayrūt Lebanon 1,251,739
4. Sidon Lebanon 163,554
3. Tripoli Lebanon 229,398
5. Tyre Lebanon 135,204
9. Zahlé Lebanon 78,145