The World: Population (1950) - Top 100+

World Population: 2,556,506,583

Rank Country Population Year
205. Mayotte 21,597 1950
148. Mauritius 481,270 1950
133. Mauritania 1,005,595 1950
212. Marshall Islands 10,904 1950
155. Malta 311,973 1950
78. Mali 3,687,654 1950
174. Maldives 79,293 1950
56. Malaysia 6,433,799 1950
92. Malawi 2,816,600 1950
70. Madagascar 4,620,437 1950
127. Macedonia 1,224,627 1950
164. Macau 205,442 1950
156. Luxembourg 295,587 1950
98. Lithuania 2,553,159 1950
209. Liechtenstein 13,500 1950
134. Libya 961,305 1950
138. Liberia 823,885 1950
142. Lesotho 726,182 1950
122. Lebanon 1,364,030 1950
110. Latvia 1,936,498 1950
112. Laos 1,885,984 1950
113. Kyrgyzstan 1,738,961 1950
168. Kuwait 144,774 1950
141. Kosovo 761,000 1950
197. Kiribati 33,448 1950
59. Kenya 6,121,184 1950
55. Kazakhstan 6,693,230 1950
145. Jordan 561,254 1950
5. Japan 83,805,000 1950
121. Jamaica 1,384,550 1950
10. Italy 47,105,000 1950
124. Israel 1,286,131 1950
187. Isle of Man 54,759 1950
88. Ireland 2,963,018 1950
65. Iraq 5,163,443 1950
28. Iran 16,357,000 1950
6. Indonesia 82,978,392 1950
2. India 369,880,000 1950
169. Iceland 142,938 1950
37. Hungary 9,338,000 1950
105. Hong Kong 2,237,000 1950
118. Honduras 1,431,447 1950
86. Haiti 3,097,220 1950
152. Guyana 427,971 1950
144. Guinea-Bissau 573,268 1950
97. Guinea 2,585,509 1950
193. Guernsey 45,347 1950
87. Guatemala 2,968,976 1950
183. Guam 59,900 1950
177. Grenada 75,806 1950
204. Greenland 22,300 1950
50. Greece 7,566,028 1950
203. Gibraltar 22,974 1950
64. Ghana 5,297,454 1950
7. Germany 68,374,576 1950
80. Georgia 3,515,602 1950
160. Gaza Strip 245,375 1950
153. Gabon 415,767 1950
182. French Polynesia 62,100 1950
12. France 42,517,688 1950
75. Finland 4,008,900 1950
157. Fiji 287,348 1950
200. Federated States of Micronesia 30,715 1950
199. Faroe Islands 31,500 1950
24. Ethiopia 20,174,562 1950
131. Estonia 1,095,610 1950
120. Eritrea 1,402,510 1950
161. Equatorial Guinea 211,204 1950
109. El Salvador 1,939,800 1950
20. Egypt 21,197,692 1950
83. Ecuador 3,369,955 1950
150. East Timor 435,529 1950
103. Dominican Republic 2,352,968 1950
189. Dominica 51,423 1950
175. Djibouti 79,248 1950
73. Denmark 4,271,000 1950
32. Democratic Republic of the Congo 13,568,762 1950
39. Czech Republic 8,925,122 1950
146. Cyprus 494,000 1950
62. Cuba 5,784,797 1950
77. Croatia 3,837,297 1950
90. Cote d'Ivoire 2,860,288 1950
136. Costa Rica 866,982 1950
208. Cook Islands 14,575 1950
166. Comoros 148,057 1950
33. Colombia 11,591,658 1950
1. China 562,579,776 1950
60. Chile 6,090,833 1950
185. Channel Islands 56,824 1950
96. Chad 2,607,769 1950
125. Central African Republic 1,259,816 1950
217. Cayman Islands 6,286 1950
167. Cape Verde 146,403 1950
30. Canada 14,011,422 1950
67. Cameroon 4,887,591 1950
71. Cambodia 4,471,170 1950
102. Burundi 2,362,522 1950
72. Burkina Faso 4,376,162 1950
52. Bulgaria 7,250,500 1950
194. Brunei 44,983 1950