The World: Population (1960) - Top 100+

World Population: 3,042,445,797

Rank Country Population Year
205. Mayotte 27,579 1960
145. Mauritius 663,229 1960
136. Mauritania 1,117,376 1960
212. Marshall Islands 15,120 1960
158. Malta 328,517 1960
77. Mali 4,494,738 1960
177. Maldives 92,247 1960
52. Malaysia 8,428,493 1960
91. Malawi 3,450,444 1960
70. Madagascar 5,481,721 1960
131. Macedonia 1,366,198 1960
167. Macau 186,053 1960
159. Luxembourg 313,969 1960
105. Lithuania 2,764,864 1960
210. Liechtenstein 16,426 1960
132. Libya 1,337,947 1960
137. Liberia 1,054,837 1960
141. Lesotho 858,551 1960
120. Lebanon 1,786,235 1960
114. Latvia 2,115,183 1960
111. Laos 2,309,365 1960
112. Kyrgyzstan 2,171,285 1960
161. Kuwait 292,229 1960
140. Kosovo 946,835 1960
200. Kiribati 40,732 1960
55. Kenya 8,156,827 1960
44. Kazakhstan 9,982,014 1960
142. Jordan 848,515 1960
6. Japan 94,091,640 1960
123. Jamaica 1,631,784 1960
12. Italy 50,197,600 1960
113. Israel 2,141,495 1960
194. Isle of Man 47,689 1960
103. Ireland 2,832,000 1960
65. Iraq 6,822,030 1960
27. Iran 21,599,748 1960
5. Indonesia 100,145,648 1960
2. India 445,393,248 1960
169. Iceland 175,860 1960
43. Hungary 9,983,512 1960
97. Hong Kong 3,075,300 1960
117. Honduras 1,951,640 1960
88. Haiti 3,696,645 1960
150. Guyana 571,083 1960
146. Guinea-Bissau 616,682 1960
100. Guinea 3,026,091 1960
195. Guernsey 46,926 1960
82. Guatemala 4,099,720 1960
185. Guam 66,900 1960
179. Grenada 90,148 1960
203. Greenland 32,498 1960
53. Greece 8,327,405 1960
206. Gibraltar 24,229 1960
64. Ghana 6,958,283 1960
7. Germany 72,480,872 1960
81. Georgia 4,146,570 1960
160. Gaza Strip 308,158 1960
154. Gabon 446,003 1960
182. French Polynesia 81,100 1960
13. France 46,583,996 1960
78. Finland 4,429,600 1960
155. Fiji 393,348 1960
198. Federated States of Micronesia 41,777 1960
201. Faroe Islands 34,700 1960
25. Ethiopia 24,168,672 1960
134. Estonia 1,210,647 1960
125. Eritrea 1,614,698 1960
163. Equatorial Guinea 243,867 1960
106. El Salvador 2,581,583 1960
23. Egypt 26,846,610 1960
79. Ecuador 4,415,956 1960
151. East Timor 508,860 1960
96. Dominican Republic 3,231,488 1960
190. Dominica 59,838 1960
174. Djibouti 111,345 1960
75. Denmark 4,581,000 1960
32. Democratic Republic of the Congo 16,610,482 1960
48. Czech Republic 9,659,818 1960
149. Cyprus 578,961 1960
63. Cuba 7,027,210 1960
83. Croatia 4,036,145 1960
90. Cote d'Ivoire 3,576,077 1960
133. Costa Rica 1,248,022 1960
209. Cook Islands 17,883 1960
168. Comoros 182,899 1960
33. Colombia 15,952,727 1960
1. China 650,660,544 1960
57. Chile 7,585,349 1960
189. Channel Islands 62,965 1960
98. Chad 3,042,303 1960
129. Central African Republic 1,467,449 1960
218. Cayman Islands 7,661 1960
166. Cape Verde 196,768 1960
30. Canada 18,266,764 1960
69. Cameroon 5,608,760 1960
68. Cambodia 5,761,223 1960
104. Burundi 2,815,405 1960
72. Burkina Faso 4,865,796 1960
56. Bulgaria 7,867,374 1960
181. Brunei 83,037 1960