The World: Population (1952) - Top 100+

World Population: 2,635,733,923

Rank Country Population Year
205. Mayotte 22,620 1952
146. Mauritius 516,556 1952
133. Mauritania 1,022,556 1952
212. Marshall Islands 11,640 1952
155. Malta 316,619 1952
78. Mali 3,836,551 1952
177. Maldives 77,940 1952
56. Malaysia 6,748,378 1952
92. Malawi 2,917,802 1952
70. Madagascar 4,762,912 1952
127. Macedonia 1,271,611 1952
164. Macau 199,489 1952
157. Luxembourg 299,263 1952
99. Lithuania 2,583,984 1952
209. Liechtenstein 13,900 1952
134. Libya 1,019,729 1952
137. Liberia 863,308 1952
142. Lesotho 748,747 1952
121. Lebanon 1,439,529 1952
111. Latvia 1,964,319 1952
112. Laos 1,957,268 1952
113. Kyrgyzstan 1,786,533 1952
166. Kuwait 160,000 1952
140. Kosovo 797,834 1952
197. Kiribati 34,792 1952
58. Kenya 6,464,046 1952
54. Kazakhstan 7,123,394 1952
144. Jordan 607,914 1952
5. Japan 86,459,024 1952
123. Jamaica 1,426,095 1952
10. Italy 47,666,000 1952
116. Israel 1,620,914 1952
189. Isle of Man 53,137 1952
91. Ireland 2,952,156 1952
65. Iraq 5,441,766 1952
28. Iran 17,275,640 1952
6. Indonesia 85,418,336 1952
2. India 382,791,328 1952
169. Iceland 147,962 1952
36. Hungary 9,504,000 1952
108. Hong Kong 2,125,900 1952
118. Honduras 1,517,453 1952
86. Haiti 3,196,987 1952
150. Guyana 451,430 1952
145. Guinea-Bissau 580,653 1952
98. Guinea 2,664,249 1952
195. Guernsey 45,725 1952
87. Guatemala 3,165,769 1952
183. Guam 63,600 1952
176. Grenada 78,339 1952
204. Greenland 23,100 1952
50. Greece 7,733,250 1952
203. Gibraltar 23,310 1952
64. Ghana 5,581,001 1952
7. Germany 69,145,952 1952
81. Georgia 3,628,347 1952
160. Gaza Strip 252,713 1952
153. Gabon 420,702 1952
182. French Polynesia 64,500 1952
12. France 43,183,568 1952
75. Finland 4,090,500 1952
156. Fiji 303,594 1952
199. Federated States of Micronesia 32,664 1952
200. Faroe Islands 32,500 1952
25. Ethiopia 20,860,940 1952
131. Estonia 1,130,445 1952
122. Eritrea 1,438,760 1952
163. Equatorial Guinea 216,964 1952
109. El Salvador 2,042,865 1952
22. Egypt 22,223,308 1952
83. Ecuador 3,548,753 1952
151. East Timor 450,195 1952
102. Dominican Republic 2,491,346 1952
188. Dominica 53,209 1952
174. Djibouti 83,476 1952
73. Denmark 4,334,000 1952
32. Democratic Republic of the Congo 14,100,005 1952
39. Czech Republic 9,125,183 1952
147. Cyprus 509,053 1952
62. Cuba 6,007,797 1952
77. Croatia 3,882,229 1952
90. Cote d'Ivoire 2,977,019 1952
136. Costa Rica 926,317 1952
208. Cook Islands 15,286 1952
168. Comoros 153,936 1952
33. Colombia 12,350,771 1952
1. China 574,536,256 1952
60. Chile 6,377,619 1952
186. Channel Islands 58,085 1952
96. Chad 2,682,462 1952
125. Central African Republic 1,291,695 1952
217. Cayman Islands 6,518 1952
167. Cape Verde 155,037 1952
30. Canada 14,785,584 1952
67. Cameroon 5,009,067 1952
71. Cambodia 4,693,836 1952
104. Burundi 2,445,618 1952
72. Burkina Faso 4,469,979 1952
52. Bulgaria 7,274,900 1952
191. Brunei 50,634 1952