The World: Population (1953) - Top 100+

World Population: 2,681,061,586

Rank Country Population Year
205. Mayotte 23,161 1953
146. Mauritius 536,057 1953
134. Mauritania 1,032,021 1953
213. Marshall Islands 12,027 1953
155. Malta 317,248 1953
77. Mali 3,913,240 1953
179. Maldives 77,273 1953
56. Malaysia 6,928,942 1953
91. Malawi 2,971,986 1953
70. Madagascar 4,839,248 1953
127. Macedonia 1,299,452 1953
164. Macau 196,948 1953
157. Luxembourg 301,101 1953
99. Lithuania 2,593,918 1953
209. Liechtenstein 14,050 1953
133. Libya 1,051,835 1953
137. Liberia 884,145 1953
142. Lesotho 760,747 1953
121. Lebanon 1,478,915 1953
112. Latvia 1,976,212 1953
111. Laos 1,995,462 1953
113. Kyrgyzstan 1,817,007 1953
166. Kuwait 168,372 1953
139. Kosovo 816,259 1953
197. Kiribati 35,485 1953
58. Kenya 6,646,268 1953
53. Kazakhstan 7,260,866 1953
144. Jordan 632,897 1953
5. Japan 87,655,160 1953
124. Jamaica 1,446,425 1953
10. Italy 47,957,000 1953
116. Israel 1,667,098 1953
191. Isle of Man 52,423 1953
92. Ireland 2,947,311 1953
66. Iraq 5,589,018 1953
28. Iran 17,747,610 1953
6. Indonesia 86,890,808 1953
2. India 389,691,328 1953
169. Iceland 151,036 1953
36. Hungary 9,595,000 1953
106. Hong Kong 2,242,200 1953
118. Honduras 1,562,218 1953
87. Haiti 3,250,488 1953
150. Guyana 464,323 1953
145. Guinea-Bissau 584,381 1953
98. Guinea 2,704,514 1953
195. Guernsey 45,898 1953
86. Guatemala 3,269,226 1953
182. Guam 68,700 1953
176. Grenada 80,254 1953
203. Greenland 25,000 1953
50. Greece 7,817,095 1953
204. Gibraltar 23,416 1953
64. Ghana 5,731,008 1953
7. Germany 69,550,240 1953
81. Georgia 3,687,436 1953
160. Gaza Strip 259,236 1953
153. Gabon 423,276 1953
183. French Polynesia 66,800 1953
12. France 43,495,032 1953
75. Finland 4,139,400 1953
156. Fiji 312,528 1953
199. Federated States of Micronesia 33,684 1953
200. Faroe Islands 32,600 1953
24. Ethiopia 21,223,618 1953
132. Estonia 1,140,395 1953
122. Eritrea 1,457,971 1953
163. Equatorial Guinea 219,902 1953
109. El Salvador 2,099,130 1953
22. Egypt 22,754,580 1953
82. Ecuador 3,642,591 1953
151. East Timor 457,529 1953
102. Dominican Republic 2,568,919 1953
188. Dominica 54,149 1953
174. Djibouti 85,698 1953
73. Denmark 4,369,280 1953
32. Democratic Republic of the Congo 14,373,435 1953
39. Czech Republic 9,220,908 1953
148. Cyprus 516,602 1953
62. Cuba 6,128,797 1953
78. Croatia 3,906,475 1953
90. Cote d'Ivoire 3,037,159 1953
136. Costa Rica 958,893 1953
208. Cook Islands 15,597 1953
168. Comoros 157,062 1953
33. Colombia 12,749,619 1953
1. China 584,191,360 1953
60. Chile 6,492,774 1953
186. Channel Islands 58,702 1953
97. Chad 2,721,913 1953
126. Central African Republic 1,309,382 1953
217. Cayman Islands 6,656 1953
167. Cape Verde 159,567 1953
30. Canada 15,183,375 1953
67. Cameroon 5,073,595 1953
71. Cambodia 4,809,293 1953
104. Burundi 2,488,348 1953
72. Burkina Faso 4,517,639 1953
52. Bulgaria 7,346,100 1953
189. Brunei 53,678 1953