The World: Population (1954) - Top 100+

World Population: 2,729,285,853

Rank Country Population Year
204. Mayotte 23,723 1954
146. Mauritius 553,977 1954
134. Mauritania 1,042,164 1954
213. Marshall Islands 12,427 1954
156. Malta 319,787 1954
77. Mali 3,991,461 1954
179. Maldives 78,684 1954
55. Malaysia 7,117,564 1954
91. Malawi 3,028,691 1954
71. Madagascar 4,919,118 1954
127. Macedonia 1,325,223 1954
164. Macau 194,893 1954
158. Luxembourg 302,939 1954
102. Lithuania 2,597,435 1954
209. Liechtenstein 14,400 1954
133. Libya 1,086,038 1954
137. Liberia 905,784 1954
142. Lesotho 773,249 1954
119. Lebanon 1,519,439 1954
112. Latvia 1,990,651 1954
111. Laos 2,035,370 1954
113. Kyrgyzstan 1,857,891 1954
166. Kuwait 177,181 1954
139. Kosovo 834,897 1954
197. Kiribati 36,191 1954
58. Kenya 6,836,360 1954
52. Kazakhstan 7,516,649 1954
144. Jordan 659,275 1954
5. Japan 88,753,888 1954
124. Jamaica 1,467,585 1954
11. Italy 48,299,000 1954
116. Israel 1,711,647 1954
192. Isle of Man 51,719 1954
93. Ireland 2,936,769 1954
66. Iraq 5,742,552 1954
28. Iran 18,233,684 1954
6. Indonesia 88,521,456 1954
2. India 396,850,752 1954
169. Iceland 154,563 1954
36. Hungary 9,706,000 1954
105. Hong Kong 2,364,900 1954
118. Honduras 1,610,959 1954
88. Haiti 3,306,207 1954
150. Guyana 477,498 1954
145. Guinea-Bissau 588,133 1954
98. Guinea 2,745,388 1954
195. Guernsey 46,038 1954
86. Guatemala 3,376,292 1954
183. Guam 67,100 1954
177. Grenada 82,525 1954
203. Greenland 25,700 1954
50. Greece 7,893,412 1954
205. Gibraltar 23,522 1954
65. Ghana 5,886,798 1954
7. Germany 69,868,112 1954
81. Georgia 3,759,860 1954
160. Gaza Strip 264,129 1954
153. Gabon 425,951 1954
182. French Polynesia 69,200 1954
13. France 43,821,576 1954
75. Finland 4,186,900 1954
155. Fiji 322,045 1954
198. Federated States of Micronesia 34,736 1954
201. Faroe Islands 32,700 1954
24. Ethiopia 21,599,912 1954
132. Estonia 1,148,378 1954
123. Eritrea 1,477,939 1954
163. Equatorial Guinea 222,880 1954
109. El Salvador 2,158,554 1954
22. Egypt 23,298,552 1954
82. Ecuador 3,740,256 1954
151. East Timor 464,862 1954
99. Dominican Republic 2,651,127 1954
189. Dominica 55,322 1954
174. Djibouti 88,000 1954
73. Denmark 4,406,000 1954
32. Democratic Republic of the Congo 14,657,484 1954
39. Czech Republic 9,290,617 1954
148. Cyprus 525,170 1954
61. Cuba 6,254,337 1954
78. Croatia 3,929,591 1954
90. Cote d'Ivoire 3,098,513 1954
135. Costa Rica 993,786 1954
208. Cook Islands 15,926 1954
168. Comoros 160,318 1954
33. Colombia 13,162,003 1954
1. China 594,724,864 1954
60. Chile 6,612,138 1954
186. Channel Islands 59,285 1954
97. Chad 2,762,828 1954
126. Central African Republic 1,328,254 1954
217. Cayman Islands 6,815 1954
167. Cape Verde 164,262 1954
30. Canada 15,636,245 1954
68. Cameroon 5,140,805 1954
70. Cambodia 4,927,590 1954
104. Burundi 2,531,886 1954
72. Burkina Faso 4,565,808 1954
53. Bulgaria 7,423,300 1954
188. Brunei 57,070 1954