The World: Population (1998) - Top 100+

World Population: 5,940,580,709

Rank Country Population Year
186. Mayotte 141,651 1998
152. Mauritius 1,160,659 1998
137. Mauritania 2,374,103 1998
207. Marshall Islands 51,555 1998
172. Malta 385,608 1998
77. Mali 10,046,095 1998
175. Maldives 281,184 1998
45. Malaysia 21,977,232 1998
66. Malawi 11,155,335 1998
59. Madagascar 14,816,581 1998
141. Macedonia 1,995,474 1998
169. Macau 421,609 1998
168. Luxembourg 426,495 1998
127. Lithuania 3,661,168 1998
211. Liechtenstein 31,749 1998
106. Libya 4,884,104 1998
138. Liberia 2,349,511 1998
143. Lesotho 1,896,603 1998
124. Lebanon 3,741,821 1998
136. Latvia 2,413,173 1998
104. Laos 5,167,653 1998
108. Kyrgyzstan 4,729,895 1998
145. Kuwait 1,859,847 1998
142. Kosovo 1,966,249 1998
196. Kiribati 81,528 1998
36. Kenya 29,188,216 1998
56. Kazakhstan 15,840,791 1998
112. Jordan 4,485,217 1998
9. Japan 126,236,616 1998
135. Jamaica 2,560,432 1998
22. Italy 57,567,020 1998
99. Israel 5,808,725 1998
198. Isle of Man 74,311 1998
125. Ireland 3,728,010 1998
48. Iraq 21,402,712 1998
15. Iran 66,953,736 1998
4. Indonesia 207,534,208 1998
2. India 972,112,832 1998
177. Iceland 274,000 1998
74. Hungary 10,200,404 1998
94. Hong Kong 6,544,564 1998
97. Honduras 6,039,095 1998
84. Haiti 8,080,556 1998
159. Guyana 772,603 1998
151. Guinea-Bissau 1,222,239 1998
88. Guinea 7,906,607 1998
204. Guernsey 61,419 1998
69. Guatemala 10,708,144 1998
185. Guam 149,724 1998
192. Grenada 100,385 1998
206. Greenland 56,613 1998
70. Greece 10,520,068 1998
215. Gibraltar 26,752 1998
50. Ghana 18,887,710 1998
12. Germany 82,023,672 1998
107. Georgia 4,848,495 1998
155. Gaza Strip 1,054,880 1998
153. Gabon 1,157,171 1998
180. French Polynesia 227,451 1998
19. France 60,534,768 1998
105. Finland 5,146,983 1998
158. Fiji 792,693 1998
191. Federated States of Micronesia 107,226 1998
209. Faroe Islands 44,560 1998
20. Ethiopia 60,483,904 1998
148. Estonia 1,400,972 1998
117. Eritrea 3,963,110 1998
166. Equatorial Guinea 464,060 1998
100. El Salvador 5,711,571 1998
17. Egypt 62,411,720 1998
62. Ecuador 12,050,626 1998
156. East Timor 943,271 1998
83. Dominican Republic 8,182,207 1998
200. Dominica 70,041 1998
162. Djibouti 620,884 1998
102. Denmark 5,302,767 1998
24. Democratic Republic of the Congo 49,348,728 1998
71. Czech Republic 10,290,949 1998
157. Cyprus 893,734 1998
67. Cuba 10,973,762 1998
114. Croatia 4,420,195 1998
55. Cote d'Ivoire 16,045,358 1998
126. Costa Rica 3,713,735 1998
220. Cook Islands 17,381 1998
165. Comoros 518,339 1998
30. Colombia 38,132,592 1998
1. China 1,247,502,208 1998
60. Chile 14,792,157 1998
195. Channel Islands 86,400 1998
91. Chad 7,479,317 1998
120. Central African Republic 3,797,957 1998
210. Cayman Islands 36,060 1998
170. Cape Verde 412,972 1998
34. Canada 30,551,660 1998
61. Cameroon 14,637,981 1998
64. Cambodia 11,944,465 1998
95. Burundi 6,417,426 1998
68. Burkina Faso 10,872,709 1998
87. Bulgaria 7,971,774 1998
173. Brunei 310,525 1998