The World: Population (1999) - Top 100+

World Population: 6,017,912,699

Rank Country Population Year
186. Mayotte 148,979 1999
153. Mauritius 1,173,129 1999
137. Mauritania 2,436,909 1999
207. Marshall Islands 52,295 1999
172. Malta 387,799 1999
72. Mali 10,335,652 1999
175. Maldives 291,480 1999
44. Malaysia 22,553,412 1999
66. Malawi 11,476,850 1999
59. Madagascar 15,271,260 1999
141. Macedonia 2,004,985 1999
169. Macau 427,773 1999
168. Luxembourg 432,527 1999
127. Lithuania 3,658,454 1999
211. Liechtenstein 32,315 1999
106. Libya 5,003,138 1999
136. Liberia 2,495,395 1999
144. Lesotho 1,907,672 1999
125. Lebanon 3,767,533 1999
138. Latvia 2,393,657 1999
104. Laos 5,285,813 1999
109. Kyrgyzstan 4,796,574 1999
143. Kuwait 1,916,332 1999
146. Kosovo 1,762,334 1999
196. Kiribati 83,344 1999
36. Kenya 29,874,296 1999
58. Kazakhstan 15,709,484 1999
112. Jordan 4,584,828 1999
9. Japan 126,512,856 1999
135. Jamaica 2,588,866 1999
22. Italy 57,655,528 1999
99. Israel 5,960,294 1999
198. Isle of Man 75,035 1999
124. Ireland 3,774,856 1999
47. Iraq 22,035,596 1999
15. Iran 67,803,936 1999
4. Indonesia 210,719,648 1999
2. India 989,250,176 1999
177. Iceland 277,280 1999
76. Hungary 10,171,610 1999
95. Hong Kong 6,599,307 1999
97. Honduras 6,190,879 1999
84. Haiti 8,249,712 1999
159. Guyana 780,053 1999
151. Guinea-Bissau 1,250,409 1999
86. Guinea 8,154,403 1999
204. Guernsey 61,701 1999
69. Guatemala 10,903,423 1999
184. Guam 152,590 1999
192. Grenada 100,985 1999
206. Greenland 56,696 1999
71. Greece 10,536,749 1999
215. Gibraltar 26,756 1999
50. Ghana 19,314,496 1999
12. Germany 82,074,776 1999
108. Georgia 4,815,667 1999
155. Gaza Strip 1,091,813 1999
152. Gabon 1,195,647 1999
180. French Polynesia 231,571 1999
20. France 60,823,976 1999
105. Finland 5,158,097 1999
158. Fiji 799,078 1999
191. Federated States of Micronesia 107,501 1999
209. Faroe Islands 45,115 1999
18. Ethiopia 62,279,400 1999
148. Estonia 1,389,756 1999
117. Eritrea 4,079,574 1999
166. Equatorial Guinea 477,538 1999
100. El Salvador 5,788,365 1999
17. Egypt 63,773,468 1999
63. Ecuador 12,268,309 1999
156. East Timor 967,548 1999
83. Dominican Republic 8,325,197 1999
200. Dominica 70,348 1999
161. Djibouti 646,263 1999
102. Denmark 5,320,134 1999
23. Democratic Republic of the Congo 50,889,948 1999
74. Czech Republic 10,280,436 1999
157. Cyprus 906,875 1999
68. Cuba 11,025,940 1999
114. Croatia 4,408,383 1999
55. Cote d'Ivoire 16,456,878 1999
121. Costa Rica 3,800,169 1999
220. Cook Islands 16,859 1999
165. Comoros 531,430 1999
30. Colombia 38,563,856 1999
1. China 1,255,992,448 1999
61. Chile 14,976,545 1999
195. Channel Islands 86,928 1999
90. Chad 7,708,743 1999
120. Central African Republic 3,889,215 1999
210. Cayman Islands 37,248 1999
171. Cape Verde 421,678 1999
34. Canada 30,820,256 1999
60. Cameroon 14,988,502 1999
64. Cambodia 12,154,664 1999
94. Burundi 6,631,143 1999
67. Burkina Faso 11,225,306 1999
89. Bulgaria 7,893,227 1999
174. Brunei 317,901 1999