The World: Population (2000) - Top 100+

World Population: 6,094,669,534

Rank Country Population Year
184. Mayotte 156,542 2000
153. Mauritius 1,185,932 2000
137. Mauritania 2,500,867 2000
207. Marshall Islands 53,072 2000
172. Malta 389,947 2000
71. Mali 10,620,821 2000
175. Maldives 299,981 2000
43. Malaysia 23,151,284 2000
66. Malawi 11,801,505 2000
58. Madagascar 15,741,942 2000
140. Macedonia 2,014,512 2000
170. Macau 431,739 2000
168. Luxembourg 438,777 2000
127. Lithuania 3,654,387 2000
211. Liechtenstein 32,748 2000
106. Libya 5,125,443 2000
136. Liberia 2,600,668 2000
144. Lesotho 1,916,324 2000
126. Lebanon 3,791,495 2000
139. Latvia 2,376,178 2000
103. Laos 5,397,406 2000
109. Kyrgyzstan 4,851,054 2000
143. Kuwait 1,972,259 2000
146. Kosovo 1,700,132 2000
196. Kiribati 85,121 2000
35. Kenya 30,605,900 2000
59. Kazakhstan 15,687,251 2000
112. Jordan 4,687,620 2000
9. Japan 126,775,616 2000
135. Jamaica 2,615,632 2000
22. Italy 57,784,372 2000
99. Israel 6,114,570 2000
198. Isle of Man 75,703 2000
122. Ireland 3,822,196 2000
45. Iraq 22,679,080 2000
15. Iran 68,631,552 2000
4. Indonesia 213,829,472 2000
2. India 1,006,300,288 2000
177. Iceland 281,043 2000
77. Hungary 10,147,425 2000
95. Hong Kong 6,658,720 2000
97. Honduras 6,359,396 2000
84. Haiti 8,412,886 2000
159. Guyana 785,564 2000
150. Guinea-Bissau 1,278,859 2000
86. Guinea 8,350,413 2000
204. Guernsey 61,949 2000
68. Guatemala 11,085,025 2000
185. Guam 155,324 2000
192. Grenada 101,609 2000
206. Greenland 56,890 2000
72. Greece 10,559,110 2000
215. Gibraltar 27,274 2000
50. Ghana 19,751,620 2000
12. Germany 82,183,672 2000
111. Georgia 4,777,209 2000
155. Gaza Strip 1,130,438 2000
152. Gabon 1,236,429 2000
180. French Polynesia 235,868 2000
20. France 61,136,524 2000
105. Finland 5,168,595 2000
158. Fiji 804,933 2000
191. Federated States of Micronesia 107,724 2000
208. Faroe Islands 45,794 2000
18. Ethiopia 64,164,964 2000
148. Estonia 1,379,835 2000
116. Eritrea 4,197,310 2000
166. Equatorial Guinea 491,483 2000
100. El Salvador 5,849,822 2000
17. Egypt 65,158,548 2000
63. Ecuador 12,445,838 2000
157. East Timor 847,141 2000
82. Dominican Republic 8,468,914 2000
200. Dominica 70,818 2000
161. Djibouti 669,416 2000
104. Denmark 5,337,416 2000
23. Democratic Republic of the Congo 52,445,196 2000
75. Czech Republic 10,270,128 2000
156. Cyprus 919,680 2000
69. Cuba 11,071,849 2000
114. Croatia 4,410,830 2000
55. Cote d'Ivoire 16,884,578 2000
121. Costa Rica 3,882,581 2000
220. Cook Islands 16,307 2000
165. Comoros 545,143 2000
29. Colombia 38,910,344 2000
1. China 1,263,637,504 2000
61. Chile 15,155,741 2000
195. Channel Islands 87,379 2000
89. Chad 7,942,675 2000
120. Central African Republic 3,979,862 2000
210. Cayman Islands 38,436 2000
171. Cape Verde 430,132 2000
34. Canada 31,099,560 2000
60. Cameroon 15,343,036 2000
64. Cambodia 12,351,152 2000
94. Burundi 6,822,700 2000
67. Burkina Faso 11,587,750 2000
90. Bulgaria 7,818,495 2000
174. Brunei 325,297 2000