The World: Population (2002) - Top 100+

World Population: 6,249,053,949

Rank Country Population Year
184. Mayotte 172,330 2002
154. Mauritius 1,209,590 2002
137. Mauritania 2,631,845 2002
207. Marshall Islands 55,163 2002
172. Malta 393,515 2002
70. Mali 11,219,689 2002
175. Maldives 311,855 2002
42. Malaysia 24,282,608 2002
66. Malawi 12,460,086 2002
57. Madagascar 16,725,885 2002
142. Macedonia 2,030,445 2002
171. Macau 438,977 2002
169. Luxembourg 450,786 2002
127. Lithuania 3,633,232 2002
211. Liechtenstein 33,821 2002
104. Libya 5,379,239 2002
134. Liberia 2,753,037 2002
145. Lesotho 1,925,636 2002
126. Lebanon 3,835,463 2002
139. Latvia 2,340,205 2002
102. Laos 5,578,027 2002
110. Kyrgyzstan 4,959,164 2002
141. Kuwait 2,083,305 2002
147. Kosovo 1,737,479 2002
195. Kiribati 88,264 2002
34. Kenya 32,313,484 2002
60. Kazakhstan 15,802,133 2002
111. Jordan 4,902,055 2002
10. Japan 127,371,376 2002
136. Jamaica 2,664,984 2002
22. Italy 58,076,704 2002
99. Israel 6,369,540 2002
199. Isle of Man 77,190 2002
123. Ireland 3,933,126 2002
44. Iraq 24,004,048 2002
15. Iran 70,283,736 2002
4. Indonesia 220,018,672 2002
2. India 1,040,284,800 2002
177. Iceland 288,030 2002
77. Hungary 10,112,777 2002
96. Hong Kong 6,762,476 2002
97. Honduras 6,693,687 2002
84. Haiti 8,723,188 2002
159. Guyana 782,726 2002
150. Guinea-Bissau 1,333,120 2002
87. Guinea 8,520,304 2002
204. Guernsey 62,370 2002
69. Guatemala 11,506,669 2002
185. Guam 161,057 2002
192. Grenada 102,835 2002
206. Greenland 57,363 2002
73. Greece 10,603,863 2002
214. Gibraltar 28,201 2002
50. Ghana 20,661,458 2002
13. Germany 82,458,416 2002
112. Georgia 4,728,357 2002
153. Gaza Strip 1,213,041 2002
151. Gabon 1,300,423 2002
180. French Polynesia 244,185 2002
20. France 61,828,992 2002
107. Finland 5,193,039 2002
158. Fiji 816,669 2002
190. Federated States of Micronesia 108,034 2002
208. Faroe Islands 47,349 2002
17. Ethiopia 68,187,272 2002
149. Estonia 1,360,122 2002
114. Eritrea 4,505,426 2002
166. Equatorial Guinea 520,764 2002
100. El Salvador 5,901,830 2002
18. Egypt 68,023,120 2002
63. Ecuador 12,827,279 2002
156. East Timor 953,241 2002
83. Dominican Republic 8,756,901 2002
201. Dominica 71,534 2002
161. Djibouti 716,351 2002
105. Denmark 5,374,693 2002
23. Democratic Republic of the Congo 55,701,640 2002
76. Czech Republic 10,256,295 2002
157. Cyprus 946,814 2002
71. Cuba 11,131,594 2002
116. Croatia 4,481,020 2002
55. Cote d'Ivoire 17,687,648 2002
122. Costa Rica 4,020,945 2002
220. Cook Islands 15,147 2002
165. Comoros 574,470 2002
29. Colombia 39,804,948 2002
1. China 1,277,594,752 2002
61. Chile 15,503,941 2002
196. Channel Islands 87,970 2002
88. Chad 8,436,193 2002
120. Central African Republic 4,128,418 2002
210. Cayman Islands 40,804 2002
170. Cape Verde 446,704 2002
35. Canada 31,640,962 2002
59. Cameroon 16,094,435 2002
64. Cambodia 12,729,204 2002
94. Burundi 7,286,793 2002
65. Burkina Faso 12,584,957 2002
91. Bulgaria 7,661,799 2002
174. Brunei 339,989 2002