The World: Population - Male - Age 75-79 (2025) - Top 100+

Rank Country Population Year
28. Australia 447,854 2025 (Est.)
27. Iran 468,618 2025 (Est.)
26. Ukraine 495,897 2025 (Est.)
25. Argentina 504,089 2025 (Est.)
24. Vietnam 526,656 2025 (Est.)
23. Nigeria 547,633 2025 (Est.)
22. Philippines 573,762 2025 (Est.)
21. Egypt 579,117 2025 (Est.)
20. Poland 618,321 2025 (Est.)
19. Turkey 699,569 2025 (Est.)
18. South Korea 728,903 2025 (Est.)
17. Canada 761,364 2025 (Est.)
16. Thailand 838,021 2025 (Est.)
15. Spain 868,775 2025 (Est.)
14. Pakistan 929,359 2025 (Est.)
13. Mexico 950,918 2025 (Est.)
12. Bangladesh 1,143,772 2025 (Est.)
11. Russia 1,220,965 2025 (Est.)
10. United Kingdom 1,288,899 2025 (Est.)
9. Italy 1,300,561 2025 (Est.)
8. France 1,394,472 2025 (Est.)
7. Germany 1,548,204 2025 (Est.)
6. Indonesia 1,685,555 2025 (Est.)
5. Brazil 1,845,055 2025 (Est.)
4. Japan 3,919,820 2025 (Est.)
3. United States of America 5,613,994 2025 (Est.)
2. India 8,883,064 2025 (Est.)
1. China 17,148,104 2025 (Est.)